Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Self-Confidence Formula: First...

"First, I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life; therefore I demand of myself persistent, continuous action toward its attainment; and I here and now promise to render such action." Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, 1937, p. 54.

That's Mr. Hill's original wording. If you read my blog two past, you see how I reworded it. I added "In the name of Jesus" at the start, I replaced "I have the ability" with "You have given me everything I need (ability, attitude, and opportunity)". The rest is the same.

The notion has been growing in me for about four years that God doesn't make mistakes. Not even when he made me. Now, that's a pretty mind-blowing thought: that God did a good job when he made me! But the alternative is to call God a bungler. I think I'd rather give God the benefit of that doubt, and accept the distinct possibility that I might have been wrong in thinking myself worthless all these years.

It turns out God did mighty good work in making each of us, that he made each of us unique, and filled each of us with gifts and graces the world needs. Believe it or not, YOU ARE God's gift to the world!

Why accept this? Because if you don't, then you are undervaluing something God values pretty highly; and can you ever win when you disagree with God? If you don't, you're insulting God.

If you don't, the gifts God placed in you for the benefit of the world Jesus died for, the world will never receive! Because you think it's worthless, you don't offer it to people. And you cheat the world of something indescribably precious.

A low self-image is a mighty convenient excuse. If I'm a worthless, useless, sin-ridden jerk, then nobody can expect anything of me! But if I'm a Child of God, created by Him and filled by Him with things the world needs, I have a pretty hefty obligation! I owe the world the best I have!

And if God is the Master Artist I believe God to be, my best could be pretty impressisve.

So is yours!

Oh, and now that you've heard this, you're responsible for it. It will be on the Final!

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